Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to go about this

Still sorting out how to go about organizing this site. I'm going to mess around with the various photo hosting sites such as Flickr, Zooomer, and Photobucket though I may just end up posting images directly to blogger here and forget all that.

Zooomr seems like a good service and if you sign up for a free account and post one zooomr hosted image to your blog you get a free pro account. That being the case, here's a rough sample of posting a small avatar from zooomr.


Now, to make off with my free pro account. Bwahahahaha. ha.

I'll get this image hosting thing sorted out in the next few days then start posting regularly. I've got a good backlog of sketches to add here, I just want to sort out how this is all going to work before going full steam ahead. Such as it is.